Ranger city Special Called meeting.

Notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting of the governing body of the City of Ranger will be held on   Monday,  May 16, 2016 at 12:00 PM at City Hall, 400 West Main Street, Ranger, Texas, at which the following subjects will be discussed and possible action taken:



Agenda Item 01:  Call to Order- Mayor Pilgrim


Agenda Item 02:  Roll Call- City Secretary


Agenda Item 03:   Discussion/Approval with possible action to accept Canvass of Ballots of May 7, 2016 Election- Mayor Pilgrim


Agenda Item 04: Discussion/Approval with possible action to accept Resolution No. 2016-05-16-F, A Resolution of the Canvass and Certification as to the result of the Election in the City of Ranger, Texas, held on May 7, 2016 – Mayor Pilgrim


Agenda Item 05: Issuance of Certificate of Election; Administer Statement of Elected Council Members; and Administer Oath of Office to newly elected Council Members – Judge Arthur


Agenda Item 06:  Adjournment


I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that the above notice of meeting of the Governing Body of the City of Ranger is a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Ranger, a place convenient and readily available to the general public at all times, and notice was posted by 12:00 PM, May 12, 2016 and remained posted for 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of the meeting.




Mary Wells, Ranger City Secretary 


The City council reserves the right to convene into Executive Session concerning any of the items listed on this agenda under the authority of the Mayor, whenever it is considered necessary and legally justified under the Open Meetings Act.


Section 551.071 – Consultations with Attorney

Section 551.072  – Deliberations about Real Property

Section 551.0725   - Deliberation by Certain Commissioners Courts about Contract Being Negotiated

Section 551.073    – Deliberation Regarding Gifts and Donations

Section 551.074 – Personnel Matters

Section 551.0745 - Deliberations by Commissioners Court about County Advisory Body

Section 551.076   – Deliberations Regarding Security Devices or Security Audits: Closed Meeting

Section 551.087 - Deliberation Regarding Economic Development Negotiations