Morton Valley Meeting

Morton Valley Water Supply Corporation
108 S. Connellee P.O. Box 550 Eastland, TX 76448 (254) 488-1403 
Morton Valley Water Supply Corporation Board of Directors will hold it’s REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING Thursday, June 9, 2016 
at 6pm at the Business Office located at 108 South Connellee. 
Members (not on the agenda) who want to address the board must sign-in before the meeting is called to order indicating the topic they wish to discuss. Members will be given three minutes each to speak. No motions may be accepted or action taken on issues brought up at the meeting from the floor. All action items must have been included on the posted agenda. Members can request that items be placed on the agenda for future REGULAR MONTHLY meetings of the Board of Directors. This limitation is required by the public notice requirements of the Texas Open Meetings Act and is NOT an attempt to limit any member’s access to address an issue to the Board of Directors or the membership. 
MVWSC will discuss and may take action on the following items:
Member Participation
Operator’s Report (Handout)
Secretary’s Report                                                              
Ø  Previous Meeting Minutes 
Treasurer’s Report                                                              
Ø  Directors Report                                              
Ø  Bank Reconciliation
Office Manager’s Report (Handout)
Project Committee Updates

Patricia Emery, Office Manager
Morton Valley Water Supply Corporation
PO Box 550
Eastland, Texas 76448-0550
Office Hours: TUE-WED-THU 10AM to 1PM