Archive photo of Eastland City Commission with former city manager Ron Holliday

Eastland City Commission To Hold Meeting Monday


Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meetingof the Governing Body of the above-named City will be held on the 17th of March 2014, at 6:00 City Hall, 113 E. Commerce Street Eastland, Texas, which time the following subjects will be discussed, to wit:

I. Meeting Called to Order

II. Invocation and Pledge to the Flag

III. Public Comment on any Subject not Listed on this Agenda

(Limited to Five Minutes Per Speaker)

IV. Approve Minutes of the Meeting Held on February 17, 2014

V. Financial Report

VI. The Board of City Commissioners May Discuss and Take Action on the Following                  Agenda Items:

1. Discuss and Consider Approving Special Projects Funding for City Match for HVAC at Majestic Theater

2. Discussion and Consideration to Approve Contractual Agreement with Eastland County for Jail Services

3. Discussion and Consideration to Approve Resolution No. 2014-03 to Operate the Law Enforcement Equipment Program and Submit an Application for Justice Assistance Grant (JAG)

4. Discuss and Consider First Reading of Ordinance No. 14-789 Amending Zoning Ordinance No. 720

5. Discussion and Consideration to Approve Sale of 900 S. Bassett Street Property

6. Discuss and Consider Purchasing Concession Stand Cover at Ballpark

7. Discuss and Consider Appointing Planning & Zoning Board Member(s) to Serve as Member / Alternate Member to Board of Adjustment

8. Discuss and Consider Approving Amended Historic Preservation Grant for Radio Shack as Recommended by Eastland Historic Preservation Board

9. Discuss and Consider First Reading of Ordinance No. 14-790 Granting Electric Franchise Renewal with Oncor Electric Delivery

VII. City Manager’s Briefing

Lakeside Update, TWDB Intended Use Plan Application, Home Program Application, Warrant Round-Up

VIII. Code Compliance Report

IX. Monthly Police Department Report

X. Adjournment