Meeting of the Gorman Independent School District

July 13, 2015

Notice of Regular Meeting of the

Gorman Independent School District


The Board of Trustees of the Gorman Independent School District will hold a meeting at 6:30 pm on Monday, July 13, 2015 in the Administrative Board Room of Gorman ISD, Gorman, TX 76454. At that meeting, the Board may deliberate or act on any of the subjects listed on the following agenda. The President may change the order of items listed below for the convenience of the board. The Board may enter closed meeting to seek the advice and counsel of its attorney at any time during the meeting under the authority of Tex. Gov’t Code 551.071 regarding any time listed on the agenda of this meeting or in order for the attorney to provide legal assistance or advice to the Board.

1) Establish Quorum and Call to Order

2) Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance

3) Open Forum - All persons who address the board at this time must complete a registration form before the meeting begins.

4) Consent Agenda - Action Items: a. Consider for approval of the minutes of the previous meeting(s); b. Consider for approval the payments of the bills; c. Consider for approval the payment of the current month’s payroll; d. Consider for approval amendments to the budget if necessary

5) Board Information Items: A. Elementary Principal’s Report - Ms. Susan Walker - a. Enrollment & Attendance, b. Campus happenings, c. PTO report is any; B. Secondary Principal’s Report - Mr. Brad Riker - a. Enrollment & Attendance, b. Athletic report, c. Campus Happenings; C. Superintendent’s Report - Mr. Gary Speeglel - a. Cash Balances, b. Tax Office Reports, c. Budget Status, d. District happenings, e. Bond update, f. Update on building lawsuit, g. Budget workshop date, h. TASBO update; D. President’s Report - Noah Landa

6) Discuss and consider meals prices for 2015-2016

7) Discuss and consider for approval designating Terry Treadway to calculate the effective tax rate and the roll back tax rate for 2015

8) Discuss and consider for approval the resolution for the Gorman ISD Administrative Manual

9) Discuss and consider the Gorman ISD contribution toward employee health insurance

 10) Consider personnel needs of the district and take action if necessary (Gov’t Code 551.074) and seek the advice and counsel of its attorney (Tex. Gov’t Code 551.071) - A. GISD pay scale

11) Adjourn

This notice was posted at 3.30 pm on this 10th day of July, 2015.

Gary Speegle

GISD - Superintendent