2015-16 City of Cisco Budget Adopted; Water System Upgrade Discussed

By Stephen Forester
The Cisco City Council met in regular session this past Monday evening at the Council chambers in beautiful downtown Cisco to adopt the new year’s fiscal budget. Before the ordinances for the budget and taxes were discussed, Mr. Gulley gave a report of the audit for 2013-2014. In the 30 pages of audit information, lots and lots of numbers were thrown out there by Mr. Gulley, too many to mention or write down. He did say that “things are cleaned up significantly” from the previous year. The biggest issue in discrepancies, he said, was in the water meter readings. Another significant issue was that for the year 13-14, the hotel sales tax was up considerably. “For the year,” Mr. Gulley said, “the City generally broke even.” All were in favor to approve the audit.