Big Country Dinner Theatre

Big Country Dinner Theatre - The Amazing Kreskin on April 4 & 5


The Big Country Dinner Theatre will be presenting The Amazing Kreskin on April 4 & 5 at the Crawford Theatre in Cisco, TX with dinner at 6 PM and show at 7 PM.  Reserved tickets are $25, and reservations can be made by calling Cisco College at 254-442-5000 option 0 or at By contract with the artist, this performance is for ages 10 and above.


The menu for the dinner theatre is:


London Broil – Marinated and grilled choice flank steak with a mushrooms brown sauceTurtle Cheesecake, Roasted Red Potatoes


Green Bean AlmandineTossed Green Salad, Dinner Rolls, Turtle Cheesecake

For over 50 years Kreskin has been telling people things about themselves that only they or a close friend could possibly know! Kreskin let's the audience hide his check and if he can't find it, he forfeits his fee! Plus he offers $1,000,000.00 to anyone that can prove that he employs paid secret assistants or confederates to help him perform his mentalist "effects."